Year April 2024 to March 2025
- Time to join the ‘100 Club‘ for 2024/25 you could be one of our lucky monthly winners!
- Subscription is still only £15 for the 12 months. Three prizes monthly of £30, £20 and £10.
- Bonus draws in December with a first prize of £100 and a losers draw in March.
All money raised goes directly to the maintenance and upkeep of Abbotts Ann War Memorial Hall. Your winnings are delivered to your home and winners are announced in the Abbotts Ann
Parish Magazine.
Help support the War Memorial Hall and remember – you have to be in it to win it!!
Please complete the form HERE and either email or send it to the Promoter with your choice of payment – bank transfer; cheque or cash:
Philippa Law. Eastover House, Abbotts Ann, SP l 1 7BT
as soon as possible or before end of March. If it ‘s easier for you, you can also pop it in the box at the Village Shop.
To pay by bank transfer, please include your surname as Reference and you can confirm your renewal by email instead of having to return the form.