The War Memorial Hall is a licenced premises for the sale of alcohol during the following times:
Monday to Saturday 11:00 – 23:30 each day
Sunday 11:00 – 23:00
Any event run by the Hall Committee can therefore designate a person (committee member or otherwise) to manage the sale of alcohol to persons over 18 years of age during those times.
The Committee are also therefore able to grant hirers the use of the War Memorial Hall Alcohol Licence when they feel confident that the hirer will act responsibly. The Terms & Conditions of hire clearly outline the hirers responsibilities.
Points to note:-
- The War Memorial Hall does not have a TV Licence and it is against the conditions of hire to bring equipment capable of receiving a TV signal onto the premises. Hirers found in possession of equipment requiring a TV licence on the premises will be held responsible for any contractual or legal proceedings.
- Where a licensable event is to be held for which the premises, or that part of the premises, are not licensed the hirer shall be responsible for obtaining such authorisation as may be needed from Test Valley Licensing department.
- In order to hold a licensable activity not covered by the Village Hall’s Premises Licence a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) will need to be given to Test Valley Licensing department.
- The Hirer shall obtain the written consent of a trustee or chair of the management committee for this purpose by adding the request to the on-line booking form and getting approval BEFORE giving Test Valley Licensing department a Temporary Event Notice (TEN). Failure to do so will result in cancellation of the hiring without compensation because there is a limit on the number of TENs, which can be granted annually for any premises.