Each year normally in January the Trustees and Committee present a full roundup of the years work including:-
- Financial Results including grants and donations received
- Hall Maintenance and improvements
- Plans for the forthcoming year
- Allow the community to meet and socialise with the hall team
- Answer questions raised by the community
The following slides were presented at the AGM on Wednesday 8th January 2025
Abbotts Ann War Memorial Hall Annual General Meeting 8th January 2025
This year due to sub zero temperatures many people who planned to attend sent their apologies.
We have decided to move the AGM next year to March/April when there are lighter evenings and hopefully a bit milder.
However, about twenty people from our community turned out for the evening which started with a talk from Ian Hemming from Salt Deli about sustainability and local food/produce and then on to the presentation you see above.
After the presentations we socialised with wine and food while local girl Georgie Amelia Wheldon played acoustic guitar and sang for us.