Village Hall Committee

Your Abbotts Ann War Memorial Hall Committee comprises of the following volunteers 2023 :

Elected Committee Members Chairperson (Judith Cole)
Secretary (Jenny Read)
Neil Palmer (Trustee)
Philippa Law (Trustee & 100 Club Lottery Promoter)
Keith Saunders (Trustee & Treasurer )
Richard Phillips (Building Manager)
Ida Cohen (Events)
Co-opted Committee
Member Organisations
Jenny Read (Abbotts Ann Players)
Beth Wildbore (Nursery Committee)
Helen Clark (Women’s Institute)
Vacant Position (Fete Committee)


Mick Knight (Caretaker)

For all booking enquiries of the Hall and/or meeting room

Please email

For general cleaning & upkeep enquiries for the Hall, please call Mick Knight 07780 661671

The hall is a registered charity, 301719, and it is the responsibility of the Village Hall Management Committee – a group of volunteers who constantly strive to improve the facilities, there are always important projects in the pipeline as well as normal maintenance and upgrading of the hall.  We are a non-profit making body who carry out improvements and repairs from the revenue generated, we are not supported by any external body and major projects are funded by our fundraising and any grants we are able to obtain from other sources.